What is Gaia Archives Trading Card Collectibles NFT?
In order to bring the most value and build Glory Games positioning as a Gamefi for the masses - bridging Web2 and Web3 communities (and also ETH -> smaller chains), we will be launching Gaia Archives a free mint.
What is Gaia Archives about?
GAIA Archives NFT will be on ETH and NEAR
A trading card collectibles introducing the Glory Games lore and character consisting of PETs, Avatars, in-game NFT consumables and egg shards. We will outreach to communities in ETH, NEAR, gaming play and earn and NFT enthusiasts (degens probably).
It is designed to simulate Magic the Gathering, DragonballZ cards. The character attributes, skills, elemental affiliation and its strengths are indicated in the cards. This educates players/ collectors about the impending storyline, lore and the main characters, protagonists (villains too) in the PVE story.
Collect Gaia cards and win Gen 0 Pets/ Avatars and in-game NFTs.
Card types include
Consumables/ items
Egg shards
Villains (rarest)
GAIA Archives: Collect & Win Mechanics
1) Collect these cards as below and WIN
10 Egg shards = 1 Pet Mint
10 Unique Pet Cards = 1 Pet Mint
All 13 Avatar Cards = 1 Avatar Mint
All 4 Villains = 1 Pet Mint + 1 Avatar Mint
2) Get Access to AR Game Demo
Subsequent right vote for "Pokestop" landmarks
First access to Initial NFT Offering (INO) on Magic Eden/ Liquidifty
Why Free Mint: Leading into INO
In our road to building out gamefi for the masses, we believe in evangelizing early communities who agree with our cause of building on the gaps of Web3 games, whilst giving out as much value as we can
Watch this video of a detailed explainer on the roadmap and Gaia archives